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Puppetry Perspective 2021

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Directed By Lucy Hall and Marc Parrett
Composed by Charlie Jenkins


The starting point for this piece was a video by Meiro Koizumi showing an interview with a veteran of the Sino-Japanese War who was now suffering from dementia.


Working as a group leader with first year and MA students,

we based our piece on different aspects of the elderly.  I decided to have my man seated on a park bench, with a radio and pigeon for company. 


My initial sketches were quickly done, with a thin liner and were continuous line. I felt this lent towards the idea of being old and wire-y, from which grew the concept of adding figures by bending wire.


Line drawing of man
first mouth mechanisim test
First pigeon try
Wire Pigeon
Wire Radio

During this process I developed skills in puppet mechanisms, foam carving and Plastazote pattern cutting.


Clay and masking tape head
Plastazote head
Full Foam body of puppet
Fabric covered body

Due to Covid Restrictions we were performing to small groups outside. The soundscape, created by my composer, was played though the small radio. 

Finished Puppet
Wire Hands

A Frog's Life 
Puppetry 2020


Creative Director and Group Leader Ruby Brown

Music by Chloe Dickens and Mary Johnson

The Puppeteers Ruby Brown, Lucy Ruff, Sabirin Osman and Vada Baldwin


This was an at-home puppetry project, working in groups to make a film. Our starting point was  based on amphibians and our final video followed the life of a father and his son.

Story Board

A Frogs Life storyboard
Frog photoshop-queing in covid
Video before greenscreen

Using Adobe Premiere Pro for film editing and green screen work.

Puppets made from rubber gloves and cardboard.

Father frog puppetry drawing
Final Frog
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email |          Instagram | @ruffscreativestuff        mobile | 07506125650 

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